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It had been half an hour and Maria hadn't come out. I saw the crazy girls walk in, but then walk out again. They didn't even come up to me, thankfully. I didn't care, I went in the ladies' room, and saw Maria sitting on the floor all banged up. I rushed over to her, "Maria what happened?" I ask, picking her glasses up, followed by her cracked iPhone and then put them in her pockets - then I pick her up and put her on my back and gave her a ride back to the car. 


I couldn't talk at all. I could barely open my eyes, my body ached. "We're going to the hospital" he says and I nod simply. I take my half cracked phone, and post on Instagram. 

@mariakirchner: I'm 15

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@mariakirchner: I'm 15. I make mistakes, I'm human. I've fucked up many times but who hasn't? We all regret things, and I have my second guessing and doubts. I get hate like any other internet 'star', and I get it - you do not like me at all. Okay, I can live with that. But this is really unacceptable - coming out of the bathroom and getting beaten till you meet the floor, and your body aches like you fell from the Empire State, and can't speak at all. Just say your shit to my face, rather than bashing me! No one found me for a good 20 minutes, until my friend came in and saw me and helped me up and we're on our way to hospital because injuries. Thank you girls who did this xoxo, DM me 😒

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