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A week later they let me go, under Hunter's supervision. Yikes. 
He stayed in the hospital with me the whole week, and I have to stay with him since I can leave. 

"We can go back to your place so you can get stuff" he says, driving to my house. I stayed quiet, I wasn't really in the mood I guess. When I got to my house, I got the key from under the mat and rushed in. 

I packed in a duffel bag;
2 sweatpants/jumpers
3 shorts / 3 crop tops
several pairs of undergarments
girl hygienic stuff

When I was done, I went downstairs to see Hunter sitting on the couch on his phone. He heard me walking and he followed me out the door. I locked it, taking the key with me - and within a blink of my eye we were already going to his house. How is Brandon gonna react towards me?

Hunter gently placed his hand on my thigh, as he leant his elbow on the centre armrest as he used his other hand to drive. I didn't stop him, instead I put my hand on top of his. He glanced over smiling, I half smiled as we pulled into the driveway. 

"You're staying in my room, if that's okay? Brandon has the top bunk so we kinda have to sleep together - unless I get the mattress out and you have the bed" he offered. I kinda want a sleep buddy, "together?" I smile looking into his eyes. They're more perfect than what you see online. "Of course" he said, walking in. Christine comes out, "long time no see baby cakes!" she says pulling me into a gentle hug. "How are you?" I ask, as we pull away from it. "I've been well, how about you?" she looks sympathetic and rubs my shoulders with her hands. "Could be better but you know, alright" I smile. 

Someone jumps on my back, honestly my back hurts. "Who's this?" I laugh, "ASHTON" he screams getting off. He hugs me and I pick him up, spun him around before putting him down again. Brandon walked down the stairs, and froze in his tracks as he saw me. "Hi Brandon" I smile, fake one. "Hey Maria.." he trailed off. I softly scoffed before letting Hunter lead the way to his room. 

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