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People can say I'm a hoe for dating Blake after Hunter, but I know I'm not. Hunter isn't gonna date me, then trample over me like I'm a rag-doll and control my happiness. Digi and Blake are my happiness. The fakes can fuck off, because I really don't give a crap about what their opinions are. 

We were flying back to where we live for 4 days, then we go back on for a month. Suddenly, I felt really down about leaving Blake. Maybe he could fly down to Phoenix with me and stay at my house for the time being. I sat up in bed and went on my phone to see numerous messages.


I told you not to be such a whore, and you go and date someone? Wow *middle finger emojI*


Hey. Wanna hang out? :) 


Guess I need to slap that face harder. SLUT

I'm very glad I broke up with your stupid ass, what a worthless rat you are lmao

I silently cried, sliding back into bed and facing away from Blake. Just my luck, he wraps his arm around my waist and brings me closer into him. "Why are you crying baby girl?" he groans, kissing all over my good cheek. I sniffle, rubbing my nose "nothing." Blake rolled me around so I was facing him and he looked at my tear stained cheek. "What's wrong, tell me" he pouts, taking his thumbs and gently wiping my tears. I show him my phone messages, and he cups my face and softly pushed his lips onto mine. "Don't cry over them beautiful" he frowns whilst pulling me into a hug. 

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