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Extra long update for ya'll. xox


(Skip to getting ready!)

I jump in the shower and quickly wash before getting out and drying my body and hair. I curl my blonde hair lightly, and slip on my blue, skintight dress. I begin my makeup.
What it looks like:

Once I finish, I put on my gorgeous gold/silver heels, followed by grabbing my clutch and putting in my phone, some cash and tampons because you know, not always 100% accurate

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Once I finish, I put on my gorgeous gold/silver heels, followed by grabbing my clutch and putting in my phone, some cash and tampons because you know, not always 100% accurate. I spray Enchanted Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift on, then go down and wait for Hunter. 

Soon after, he came walked in the door wearing a white shirt with a blue tie, black suit jeans and polished black semi heels. I walk up to him, and kiss his lips. "You're even more beautiful in that dress then I imagined" he said, twirling me around. "Let's go" he smiles and holds my hand whilst opening the door for me. "Thank you" I softly say, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear whilst looking down and blushing. Before I knew it, Hunter zoomed past me and opened the car door for me. 

We arrived at Olive Garden, and there was no one here. "Why is is so empty?" I laugh, and Hunter just grins like an idiot, getting out of the car. Hunter holds the door as we walk into the restaurant, and the lady at the desk winks at Hunter and a wave of jealously washes over me. "Ah, you're Hunter. We spoke on the phone?" The lady asks with a smirk. "Yeah." He simply says, she got out two menus and lead us to the table right in the middle of the dining area. It had rose petals all over the table with a lit candle in the center. 

Soon we ordered, making small talk mostly. "Thank you for this, you didn't have to do anything" I frown, and reach in for his hand under the table. I find his hand, and laced our fingers together and I put on a smile. "I love you a lot" he says, squeezing my hand. "I love you more" I said, and the food came out. It also had a note, which was in the /\ shape and a little box with a ribbon. I curiously opened the note. 

I planned this all, don't be curious why no one's here. I rented this for dinner by ourselves. Open the box, and I hope you know that it's not marriage, it's a sign of my affection for infinity and beyond. I hope you love today xoxo - Hunter  ♥︎

I almost cried. I opened the box, and it was a cute Pandora ring that had infinity symbols with diamonds within, the whole way around and in the middle it was a gold infinity symbol with larger diamonds within. "Oh my god Hunter this is beautiful" I gasped, slipping it on my ring finger. "Anything for my princess" he smiled, as we bit into our food. 

Once we let our food settle, a chef came out with a small cake with 16 on it, and the 16 were sparklers. All the staff came out and sang 'Happy Birthday' whilst Hunter came around to me and pulled me out of my seat and wrapped his arms around my waist. The song ended, and the sparklers then ran out, and Hunter held his thumb on my chin whilst passionately kissing me on the lips. "I love you baby girl" he said, handing me a knife to cut the cake. All the staff went to whatever they were doing before, and I cut the small cake which would actually mean Hunter and I have 2 slices each. Or give it to 2 of the employees. 

The cake was delicious, my favourite flavour - red velvet. He remembered when I told him. 

"Hunter how'd you remember what cake flavour I loved?" I giggle, and he pulls out his phone and goes on notes. 


And it had all the things I've ever told him. "This is cute" I blush, taking my phone out and taking photos of Hunter being cute. One photo I had my hand out and we laced our fingers together, and he closed his eyes whilst smiling widely. I posted that on my Instagram. 

*kinda like this you know?*

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*kinda like this you know?*

@mariakirchner: xo

Hunter looked up and smiled, and took a photo of me blushing. "Hunter, no" I groan as he devilishly smirks and I got a notification that he posted. 

@hunterrowland: xoxo

We got up, because we were finished, and I looked towards the door for literally a second and when I turn back Hunter's shaking hands with the chef and lady who winked at him earlier. "Thanks guys" he says, and took my hand before leading me out to the car. 


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I was wiping my makeup off, and I see Hunter walk in the bathroom shirtless, and in his Calvin Klein boxers. Once I was done, Hunter had my toothbrush out with toothpaste and handed it to me as he began brushing his. Together we brushed our teeth, and when we were done Hunter came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "I love you baby girl" he softly whispered, kissing wherever his lips were closest to which was just above my collar bone, and left. 

I followed not far behind and crawled into bed beside him, instinctively wrapping my arms around him and he grabs my butt. "You got a fine booty my love" he said biting his lip and then moving his hands higher and around my waist, pulling my closer to him. He then started massaging my head and playing with my hair, my head was resting on his bare stomach with my arms wrapped around a little lower, and my leg leant over his legs, and I fell asleep. 

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