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"Sir she has 3 broken ribs of her left side, plus a broken finger and leg. Don't make her talk much, whoever did this damaged quite a bit of her voice box" The doctor sighs and I nod. I sit down next to her, her eyes were shut and she looked pale. 

I go on her phone since she gave me the password and onto Instagram. I post a photo of her currently.

@mariakirchner: 3 broken ribs, damaged voice box plus broken leg and finger. - Hunter

Then I turn her phone off and charge it, and by that time she woke up. "Hunter" she croaks, looking at me. "Don't talk, doctor said" I laugh and she nods grabbing her phone with the charger in still. 

From: Babygirl 😥 💗

what's wrong with me? i'm aching so bad on my left side...

To: Babygirl 😥 💗 

you have a damaged voice box, 3 broken ribs (explaining your aching) and 1 broken finger/leg. ;(

From: Babygirl 😥💗

come sit with me, that chair looks uncomfortable 

To: Babygirl 😥💗 

If you wish 

I got out of the chair and sat next to her on the bed, on her right side. She leaned up against me, and went on Instagram and smiled a little when she saw the post. 

Next minute she was scrolling through the comments, and her smile disappeared.  "Don't read the comments, it's only making you sad" I pout and she gives in, exiting out of the comment section. 

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