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My phone blew up with notifications. I refused to look at them, but it was driving me mad so I took a look at whatever's happening. 


go to hell whore

you moved on so quickly

what a slut

kys :)

drink bleach

why are you even alive omg 😂

i hope you die

i'll be at your funeral and act so sad 

and no one will recognise 

the fact the i am the one that

entirely influenced your death xoxo

Tears brimmed to my eyes, and Blake was leaning against the chair, but facing me and pouting. I put on a smile, and I took a cute photo with Blake where our hands were held out and laced together and all you could see was my hand and him. I saved to my Memories, then posted it on my story with "surprised my baby with tix to AZ with me 🙈 💖  " and Hunter gagged as I saw he was looking over at my phone. "Mind your own business" I flick him off and continuing to be on my phone. 

Soon enough, the plane landed so Blake and I ran off the plane with our carry on towards the carousel and waited for our suitcases to come through. Once we got our luggage, we hailed an Uber to my house. 

During the Uber ride Blake and I made small talk just because the Uber could eavesdrop, and quickly we were at my house. I thanked the driver with cash, and we got out with luggage as he drove away. "You live alone?" he asks as I open the door with my key, "yeah" I reply and the door swings open.

"Cool" he says, looking around. We put our luggage by the door, and flopped on the couch. I laid close to him, snuggled into his chest. "I love you" I say, and look up to meet the precious match of ocean blue eyes looking down at me. "I'm glad you said that," he replies blushing. "I love you more baby girl" he says, raising my head with his fingers at my chin then leans in and gently kisses me. 

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