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From: unknown

Hey, it's Josh :)

To: Josh 😅

Hi. Long time, no talk aha

From: Josh 😅

Yeah lol, I had to move away to Georgia ;( 
I moved to Phoenix yesterday, we should catch up?

To: Josh 😅

Sure 😌  Meet at Starbucks at Phoenix Mall, 9:30AM ?

From: Josh 😅

See you then x

I felt disturbed, when he sent the "x." Back in 6th, he did have affection for me. It really sucked, he was always picking me for partners in projects and trying to drag me away from my 'friends' I had.

"Who's that?" Hunter raised an eyebrow, looking at my texts. "Josh. We were friends you could say, back in middle but he left, gosh best years of my life! Now he's back, somehow has my number and we're gonna meet up tomorrow morning. We're nothing Hunter, you don't have to worry okay" I reassure him. "Okay baby girl" he softly says, smiling and plants a kiss on my lips. "I love you, and only you" I smirk, and he replies with the same smirk.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, tightly snuggling. 

I picked a casual outfit, one that doesn't put out "single and ready to mingle." I really don't want Josh to think that I'm feeling the same way, I just wanna catch up for a couple hours to see what's happened in his life. I mean, we were friends all elementary and then 6th grade and above went downhill. 

Hunter was still asleep, I carefully yet softly planted a kiss on his forehead and texted him that I left and walked to the mall a couple blocks away

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Hunter was still asleep, I carefully yet softly planted a kiss on his forehead and texted him that I left and walked to the mall a couple blocks away. 

Wow, I don't even know what Josh looks like. Shit. Well, for all I know he can come find me. I order a frappe and sit down and go on my phone, waiting for Josh to show up. "Hey" a manly voice said, I looked up and this brown haired boy with olive skin looked down at me. "Josh?" I ask, not sure if it was him. "Yeah" he laughed, I got up and gave him a light hug. Josh hugs rather tightly. 

Josh and I sat down across from each other, "how's life" I say, "Georgia wasn't that fun really" he shrugs. "How's Phoenix, and Ohio too" he says, smiling brightly. "Uhm, eventful I could say" I chuckle lightly. "I see," he replies looking straight at me. "I got a boyfriend" I smile, "got back with one of my ex's" I add. "Hunter?" he rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his frappe.

"How'd you know" I say, with widened eyes. "Instagram" he shrugs. That makes sense I guess. "He's probably a fuck boy, doing another girl every night" he says, then snorts. "You don't even know him, how could you say that?" I spat, looking at him coldly. "Well, he's your ex" he sips his drink and shrugs. "That doesn't mean shit" I rudely said. "Whatever, but when you need a friend about breakup time, don't come to me because I told you so. He's a fuck boy" he laughs, getting up to leave. i sped out of my seat and stood in front of him, towering over since he was still sitting - "you don't know what happened" I growl, push against his chest and walked off after throwing my drink away. 

We were even there for 15 minutes, I walked the whole way home boiling with anger inside of me. He doesn't know Hunter, and he's already going off like a rocket about how he's a fuck boy. When I got inside, Hunter was making food. "Hey baby" he smiled like an idiot. "Hey" I sigh, flopping into a kitchen seat. "How was i-" I cut him off, "I ditched him because he was going at me for being with a 'fuck boy'" I air quote around fuck boy and Hunter looked hurt. "Do you think I am one?" he frowns, and walks away. I chase after him, and pull him by the wrists but he flinches and jerks his wrists out of my grip. 

He sat on the bed, head in hands. "Hunter" I softly said and he looked up, and his eyes were puffy, and he had tears streaming down his cheeks. "Baby, I stood up for you. He accused you as one, I never ever said you were a fuck boy" I frown, crossing my arms around my chest and look diagonally at the ground. "I'm sorry" he sniffles, pulling me into a huge hug. 

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