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Once we got to the mall, Hunter immediately held my hand forcefully - as if there was a reason behind the action. "You alright pretty boy?" I giggle and he just de-attaches his hand and walks in front, speed walking. 

I'd catch up to him, but then he would walk even further in front once realising I was next to him. The $15 I brought for  food I used on getting In-n-out, and when I grab my seat with the takeaway... I saw Hunter to my right with a girl straddling him practically. He just hand an arm around her waist. She was way more prettier than me, no wonder he'd let her straddle. 

Gulping, I lost my appetite. I took my takeaway home, walking all the way and placing it in the fridge before sobbing 'til I ached. I changed into short shorts and a long, baggy shirt and took off all my makeup. 



qt where'd you go




can we please talk? tell me where you are


fine! ugh. i'm at home 😒


k coming

I waited downstairs for him to come, still crying. I sigh as the alerting, loud doorbell went off, then getting up from the couch and slowly going to the door and opening it. 

He smiled sympathetically, and I let him in widening the door - not making a single second of eye contact. I closed the door and led him to the couch. We sat down next to each other, at a distance acquaintances would. 

"Now, I wanna hear that bullshit excuse as to why you let this bimbo straddle you" I roll my eyes, crossing my right leg over my left and crossing my arms. "I-I was just mad.... That's all." He said, whispering the last part. "Were you mad at me?" I raise an eyebrow, finally growing the balls to lock eye contact with him. "Yeah..." He says, scratching the back of his neck, losing eye contact. "What the fuck did I do" I growl, enraging. Boiling with anger. "You called me pretty boy" he rather blandly said. "A nickname? For real? You could've told me that you don't like being called it and I wouldn't say it anymore" I yell. 

He lowers his head and sighs, "it's a long story." He replies. I shot back almost immediately, "and I've got time" I sass - laying back on the couch still cross legged and arms crossed over my chest. 

"I was dating a girl, and she used me for a lot of things. Sex, money, fame, the whole package. One time she practically raped me, using me for her sexual pleasures. The thing is, she always called me pretty boy" I was jaw dropped. "I-I-I'm sorry, you should've told me sooner... You didn't have to leave me stranded and dumbfounded in the middle of the mall" I sigh, and fiddle with my fingers. 

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