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This book will end at chapter 71. Can we try and get 10K reads by the time I get to chapter 71? I will be updating slower, but longer chapters. Don't worry! There will be a sequel!! :) 


I woke up with a horrible cough, fever one minute and next I'd be shaking cold. "Princess, I'll be back" he smiled, and grabbed his keys before heading out. A few minutes later, I ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet bowl, puking everything I had in the last few days. I was literally puking, and puking for half an hour until I felt someone hold my hair back and rub my back. I turn back, and it's Hunter. He grabbed a hair tie off the counter, and tied my hair back into a bun. 

Once I was done, I sat up and leant against the wall and looked at Hunter sitting with his legs crossed. "Thank you" I breath heavily, and suddenly my eyes just shut. Although I had no visuals, I could hear everything. 

"*breathing heavily* 911.. Where's my fucking phone!?" 
His footsteps became distant to my ears, and suddenly returning to what seems like near me. 
"Yes, yes ambulance! My girlfriend collapsed after vomiting for half an hour, she's been coughing a lot and had the fever and shakes on and off. Please help! Come to *address*" "Thank you!" 

1 Day Later

I couldn't move, but I could see even though my eyes were what felt like sewed shut and hear. 
"Baby girl you may be out for weeks, or months... But I'll never give up, on US. You're everything I wanted in a girl, and after 4 years I will not fuck it up for us. I love you too much to let you slip through my fingers like when we were 15. You are my absolute everything, and I hate to see you like this and I pray to God every day that you will wake up and I can just hold you in my arms, and never let go. It hurts to know you were just fine the other day" 
He sniffles, and wipes under his eyes. Hunter takes my hand in his, and then takes a photo. I couldn't see what happened after that. 

2 Weeks Later

"Please princess. Do it, for me. Pull through" he sighs, falling asleep on my hand and tears run down his face. 
No matter how hard I try and return, I can't pull through. I am trying so hard, yet it's never enough. I wouldn't be surprised if he's given up on me, I would to. Not on Hunter, if it was the other way around. We've been through hell and back, and I'm not gonna give up that quickly. 
Let's hope he doesn't give up on me that quickly...

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