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"I was surprised you showed up" he said, handing me a shot of tequila. Hunter went to meet with a few friends, and some random YouTuber came up to me and started talking. "No thanks," I replied pushing away the drink. "No fun" he rolled his eyes and left. Where's Hunter? 
Immediately, the thought of him banging some bimbo in a bedroom popped into my brain but I pushed it away, because I want to put my trust in him. 

All of a sudden, someone wrapped their hands around my waist. I de-attached their hands from my waist and looked at them, and it was Hunter smirking. "Oh okay" I replied and placed his hands back on my waist and he started grinding on me. I took one of his hands and lead him to a bedroom upstairs. I was completely sober, and I wanted him honestly. 

*smut for the thirsty ones ;)*

I pulled him into the room, and he whipped out a condom packet and giggles. "Wait baby" I instruct and tug at his shirt, and he slips it off. It reveals his toned abs aka six-pack. "Been working out?" I ask tracing the outline of his abs, "only for you baby girl" he says, pulling my dress off. He lightly pushed me down on the bed and started kissing me roughly, then sliding over to my neck and leaving love bites. Moans escaped as he reached my sweet spot, and I felt the need for dominancy so I flip over. 

Without hesitation, I slide down his pants revealing his boner peeping through his Calvin Klein boxers. I looked up at him and smirked as he just had eye contact with me, as I slowly pulled down his boxers too, looking up for eye contact every few moments. I took his length in my hand and put my mouth over it whole, chocking a little. I bobbed my head up and down, bringing pleasure to him. "Oh fuck princess" he hissed, throwing his head back.

Eventually he wanted dominance, so he flipped over and hovered over me and grinned. He swiftly slipped his hand behind my back and unclipped my bra, then throwing it down where his pants were also. He sucked on one of my boobs, massaging the other with his hand and swapping soon after. Shortly after he took my thong off and looked up at me and smirked. "Wet baby girl?" he asked and I shrugged lightly.

Soon after he was pumping in and out and I was a slightly quiet moaning mess. "Fuck daddy" slipped out of my mouth, rather loud but not yelling at all. Suddenly, he stopped and bent down to the floor to grab something, and I heard him ripping something plastic or such and that's when I figured out he was putting the condom on. "Ready mamacita?" he questioned and I just nodded, breathing heavily. I felt slight pain when he went in, and it all subsided to immense pleasure. "DADDY" I squeal, panting consistently as the pleasure caused me to moan harshly. 

Hunter flopped beside me, and looked over. "Best night" he smirked and kissed me on the cheek. I just grinned and gathered my clothes and slipping it all back on, same with Hunter. I checked in the body length mirror if I looked okay for just after sex, and I look just as good so I walk out, not wanting to walk out together as it would definitely scream I-just-had-sex. I waited for him by the stairs, and he came out laughing and adjusting his pants higher, then running his hands through his hair. 

We decided on leaving, so we walked down the street hand in hand in silence. "Thank you for that baby" he smirked, picking me up bridal style and running across the street to my house and then put me down at the door. I just chuckle slightly, shaking my head playfully. I unlock the door and head straight for the shower. 

As I hop in and wet my hair, I felt hands wrap around my waist and a chin lay on my shoulder and I look over to see Hunter. I turn around and look up at him, whilst he looks at my body. I frown, and cover myself by crossing my legs and crossing my arms along my chest. He strongly pushed my leg back to normal state and unraveled my arms, and smiled. "I was looking in awe and thinking how sexy and beautiful you are, not the opposite" he said and I nod, giving him a hug.

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