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She and I have lived together for a long time.
Feels like she's been next to me for my whole life.
I can't live without her, nor she without me.
Yet I can't bare to touch her for fear of contracting
This disease she carries with her that only brings her grief.
When I find ways to ignore her it brings bouts of relief.
If I ignore her too long she will cling to me like mad
For long periods of time, making me feel bad.
So once or twice a day I will pat her on the head,
Say a kind word or two and then rush off to bed.
I don't know how she'll do it, but I've heard that over time
If I don't pay attention to her, she will take my sight.
Then she'll take my organs, one by one by one.
Till eventually I pass away, regretting my actions.
Somehow I have got to learn to love this unloveable girl,
To reach for her as I would my best friend in the world.
To walk with her hand in hand, until my dying day,
At which point I will say goodbye and slip peacefully away.

My Scream Into the VoidWhere stories live. Discover now