A Bride's Job

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I can never write me feelings.
I think I'm going to implode
If I can't just take a moment
To let my anxiousness unload.
And nerves and inner turmoil,
My unshed tears and screams.
I'm seem to be watching in horror
The unraveling of my dreams.
I don't know how much longer
I can look like I'm alright
When in reality I'm tired
Of facing every fight.
And I don't seem to be gaining
Any of the ground I lose.
It's one step forward two steps back
With everything I choose.
I can't seem to make him happy,
Or her or even me
When everyone is wanting
A different something.
It doesn't matter what it is
There is no clear right choice.
And inside I'm screaming so so loud
I think I'll lose my voice.
But outside I'm collected.
I wear a calm facade.
Because I'm the one keeping it together
And that is my job.

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