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I don't know how you do it,
How you act the way you do.
You're energetic, funny, and
Unapologetically you.
I just wanted to cover
A few of the things I love
About you, and our relationship
So here it is, listen up:
I love the flirting and the teasing though you drive me crazy.
I love that you don't mention how I dress when I'm feeling lazy.
I love that you're physical touch, and the way you held my hand
When I first met you was one of the reasons I gave you a chance.
Your boots and hat are only part of what makes you so sexy.
I love that you never push me farther than I'm ready.
You drive me nuts when we're cooking and you take the lead.
But you're always there to comfort me when that's what I need.
There are so many more reasons that I don't have time to share,
But you're better than the other guys, who can't even compare.

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