Wishing for Bravery

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Geez, I wish I was as brave as you. I wish I could say things like that as easily. I wish the future didn't terrify me so easily and that I could dream with as much promise as you do. I wish I could stare terror down without feeling it. I wish I didn't have arguments with myself in my head over my decisions. I wish I didn't second guess every choice, every thought, every action of mine. I wish I had the courage you do to say things as I please, consequences be damned. But I don't.
The future is something I can dream of all day till it feels real. I pretend I don't care what others think, but I do, and I care too much. I terrify myself with my own words. My emotions get the best of me. I sink more than I swim. I'm always falling through the air without my parachute. I wish I was as brave as you.

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