Do I Know What Love Is?

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I love you.
I feel silly saying it in front of my parents and my brother because they've heard me say that about other guys and those relationships went nowhere.
They don't trust those words when they come out of my mouth anymore.
They don't understand the depth of the feelings I'm trying to convey within those three words.
And I begin to feel like maybe I never knew what I was talking about in the first place.
I'm so tired of second guessing myself.
Tired of wondering whether you're the one or the one for now.
Tired of wondering if I know what those words mean at all.
Do I love too easily? I don't even know!
I just know that I want to fall asleep with you without worrying about a curfew.
I want to be there when you get home from work every night so that I can hear about your day.
I want to watch sunsets with you.
I want to be able to wake up in the morning, reach over and wrap my arms around you.
I want to tell you all of my stories and share with you all of my pains.
I love you.
And who's to tell me I don't know what that means.

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