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You ask me to stay and my heart's screaming out
I feel so conflicted and I just want to shout
I don't want to go but I can't just stay
I will go crazy if I don't get away
Out of that house and away from the rules
Even if that means going back to school
And I swear I'm going to lose my mind
Because my choices mean leaving you behind
And the last thing I want is to abandon your side
Not when I just started calling you mine
In an ideal situation you'd come with me
It wouldn't be so bad if we were both to leave
But you can't leave and I have to
I can't live any longer under that roof
And I can't make myself live too nearby
If I did I might as well have not said goodbye
So maybe I'm running but never from you
I want to come home to you every day too
I want to fall asleep wrapped up in your arms
Feeling so safe and feeling so warm
I want to share stories and build memories
With you by my side for the whole journey
But I'm leaving soon and I'm going to cry
When I have to drive off after saying goodbye
It's going to hurt me and you as well
But it will be good for me to learn how to be myself

When it comes to me staying there is one thing
That would convince me and it's an engagement ring
You want to know why I hate the word "someday"
Because it won't convince me to stay

Someday is never, someday is too long
When someday comes around I'll already be gone

My Scream Into the VoidWhere stories live. Discover now