Flood Gates?

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Maybe the flood gates have opened.
Maybe this is the start
Of all the sappy poetry
Flowing out of my heart.
Maybe now it won't be
So hard to say it aloud.
All the things my heart would sing,
But my lips would never shout.
So let me start again.
Let me share the things inside.
I want my feelings to be known.
I will no longer hide.
I love the way you cuddle me.
I can wrap myself around you.
I love your encouragement
In everything I can do.
I love that let me
Be whoever I want to be.
And you don't demand I change
To fit your image of me.
I love that I'm always welcome
In your family's home.
And the love that I feel there
Makes it feel like it's my own.
I have another poem
That I want to write,
So I'll finish this one
And work on this other one tonight.

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