The Red Flags

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I'm not very good at sharing.
I kill almost every plant in my care.
I listen to my music too loud.
I don't always do my dishes right away.
I'm (probably) not the best/safest driver.
When I'm upset about something, instead of discussing it I write passive aggressive poetry.
I like to bake, but I don't eat what I make.
I procrastinate cleaning forever.
When I change clothes they often end up on the floor.
When things aren't urgent or important they almost never get done (i.e. Donating things, mailing some stuff, wrapping presents, etc.)
I can hardly stand a few select movies due to secondhand embarrassment.
I correct peoples' pronunciation, spelling, and grammar.
I cry when I'm angry or upset in any way.
I'll try to hide my weak side from you.
I view a lot of things with an all or nothing attitude.
Sometimes I'm a perfectionist.
I like to start projects that I don't finish.
I don't always take care of my diabetes.
I express myself best through metaphors.
I require a lot of reassurance that you like me.
I'm picky about food.
Sometimes I talk just to hear myself. (This includes complaining.)
I get touchy about topics revolving around my health.
Unless told specifically that something is a secret, I tell other people.
I have a pissy attitude about doing things for other people that are inconvenient to me.
I hate going to bed, and I hate waking up.
I'm incredibly clingy.
I won't tell you I feel sick unless I can't hide it.
I love country music.
I hate taking showers, so I only do it every other day.
If I don't have to get dressed I don't.

But I will always love you.

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