I Can't Think

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Surprisingly, the words don't flow when you're holding me close
And I can't think at all, in poetry or prose
You ask me how I feel
And it's impossible to say
Loved, adored, turned on, the words aren't coming my way
And the words don't do it justice, I don't know how to express
How I'm feeling when you've turned me into a hot and bothered mess
And I've told myself again and again that I wouldn't give in so much
I wouldn't straddle or lay on top of you or lean in to every touch
But then your hands are on me and my thoughts fly away
And once more I'm suffering from not knowing what to say
I love the feel of your hands as you scratch my back or grip my waist
And when you hold me tight, I can't help but feel safe
And your kisses on my neck are addicting as can be
It's no wonder when you kiss there I can never think
And the heat of your mouth on my ear warms me to my core
Everything you do turns me on like never before

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