Lead Me, Guide Me, Help Me Find Me

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I need a new plan, I think with my head
If I didn't then at this point in life I'd be dead
I need a new plan because this one is broken
My heart has crushed it after letting itself open.
I tossed one plan out and I replaced it with another
Both of which were approved by my mother
But now I must choose and I can't move forward
Which future do I want to be walking toward
My plan was to leave, to find a good job
To get an apartment, start school, and save up
And at some future date you'd whisk me away
From the heat of Arizona and the long sunny days
But there's another option which includes me being here
I come back soon and so stay very near
I get a job and a place to myself
And we continue to explore everything we've felt
And then one day you'll get down on one knee
And I'll know that you are proposing to me
Either way we'll get married and we'll be okay
The difference is how long we're together each day
One of these is a plan, the other's a dream
Now I need to decide if they are what they seem

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