The Boy Who Overthought

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There was a boy who didn't bother trying to overthink.
He made decisions left and right and didn't even blink.
Except one thing, he told a girl, he thinks about a lot.
Making the decision whether to kiss her or not.
He overthought and overthought, once more he overthought.
He asked if kissing was okay and she said it was more than that.
And so he stopped overthinking and just tried to relax.
But then he thought what if the girl didn't actually like him.
So he overthought some more until he was genuinely frightened.
How could he know without just asking, was the question that plagued his mind.
And so he planned and plotted till it all fell into line.
He asked an innocent question and then he laid in wait.
Watching for the response that would seal his fate.
"Well, I like you a lot" she said and so he sighed relief.
Finally he felt like he could actually breathe.

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