The Delusional Illusionist

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Delicately you spin your web
Lying to me and you
I don't think you realize
You've just alienated me too

I wanted a knight in shining armor
So that's what you became
But when I saw past the illusion
You were no longer the same

I sought a master of disguise
One who'd make me believe
And I fell for your tricks over again
As I swore I'd never leave

I told you I'd never walk away
I was like an insect stuck in your trap
Hypnotized by your silly words
And how you read me like a map

I felt like I had reached my dreams
I'd told you of my designs
And when you told me they were possible
I didn't believe you the first time

But you worked on me again and again
Till I was stuck in a daze
I believed every word you said
And every action of yours amazed

It took a mother's careful words
To pry me from your grip
And even then it took lots of prodding
Till from you I would rip

You'd sunk your claws deep into me
You hadn't meant to wound
And I don't know if my recovery
Is something that'll happen soon.

See, broken hearts don't heal fast
They cry and eat ice cream
They have sleepovers with best friends
And rant until they scream

And I think I will break without my illusionist by my side
Even if his delusions
Are what made me cry

I begged him not to hurt me
and honestly he tried
But my delusioned illusionist
Could not stop his claws in time

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