Finally Sappy Enough

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Your eyes are so captivating.
I look at them and get lost.
Your smile is so bright,
It derails my train of thought.
Your hair is the perfect length
To run my fingers through.
And I really like your facial hair;
Not everyone can pull it off like you.
I like that you're so tall,
It's the perfect hugging height.
And even though I have to tiptoe to kiss you
It still feels just right.
Your strength is just one thing that impresses me,
Like how you pick me up
With apparent ease.
Also, I don't think I've mentioned
That your hands are something I love.
They're warm and strong and capable
They're gentle, but they're rough.
Now, let's talk about the other things
That make you so great
You have an endless number
Of wonderful personality traits.
You are super funny.
You care about so many.
You're a fantastic listener
And you love (and like) your family.
Inclusiveness is something
You definitely excel at.
And you're good at communicating.
(I am grateful for that.)
You are such a gentleman.
I love that you open my doors.
And you are so respectful.
What more could I ask for?
There are so many more things
That I could shower praise on
But I think I'll stop
Before this poem gets too long.

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