Maybe it is

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I don't know what to do.
I'm lost.
I'm broken.
I'm sad.
I'm angry.
I can't continue and yet I still do, and I don't know why.
You don't care.
You say you do, but those are just empty words.
Empty words.
That's all you say.
I love you.
I miss you.
You're sexy.
You're pretty.
I'm trying.
How hard are you trying?
You claim that you try in the morning.
Trying is breakfast in bed, not a forehead kiss.
Forehead kisses are sweet, but they take no effort.
Unless you're disgusted with me?
Maybe that's why it's called trying for you.
Forehead kisses are for babies and kittens.
I'm neither, and yet you avoid my lips.
Lip kisses are for sexy girls. Girls you want to devour, girls that you desire.
You wouldn't give a girl like that a forehead kiss.
I almost want to ask for no kisses instead, but that would be worse, right?
Maybe I just hate myself too much.
Maybe it is all my problem.

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