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FREDAG 20:46

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FREDAG 20:46

THE TWO TEENAGE GIRLS entered the club, their dark and emerald eyes quickly scanning the room. It was your typical high school party, where there were teenagers getting drunk off their asses, sweaty bodies dancing till they drop on the dance floor, and of course, couples hooking up on every corner of the room as if there was no tomorrow.

The raven haired girl scrunched up her nose at the sight of two people hooking up right near the entrance, the strong stench of alcohol emanating from the couple who were so close to dry humping. She shook her head, her eyes wandering to her best friend, who was still taking in the unfamiliar atmosphere of the party.

"So, see anyone you wanna hook up with tonight?" Ellie snickered, covering her mouth with her hand as she watched her best friend's emerald eyes widen in shock. "Relax, you know I'm screwing with you, Eva. But let's try and have a little fun tonight, yeah?"

The Mohn girl nodded, a smile gracing her lips as she gazed upon her best friend. Ellie quickly grabbed a hold of the auburn haired girl's wrist, pulling her towards the bar in order to start their wild night right. She intended to grab some alcohol to get themselves to loosen up and throw caution to the wind, but was soon stopped by the brunette who had invited the two of them to this party.

"Hi! You came!" Argentina squealed as she pulled the two surprised teenagers into an embrace. Ellie awkwardly chuckled, her dark eyes widening as she pulled away from the brunette. As soon as they had pulled away though, she stared dancing a somewhat strange dance and was soon joined by her male companion.

As much as she didn't want to be rude, she certainly didn't want to stay anywhere near the duo as she wanted to get as much alcohol into her system as she could. She tapped her best friend's shoulder, cocking her head to gesture towards the bar she was previously heading for with a grin. "Come on," she whispered as she pulled a laughing Eva away from the strange duo.

The twosome soon reached the bar, laughs escaping their lips as they turned to check the still dancing duo they had just left. "I mean, I love them for inviting us here but they were just too strange for my tastes," the brunette shrugged, her dark eyes flickering away from the twosome and onto her laughing auburn haired friend.

Eva nodded at her comment in agreement, and the brunette quickly turned to the bartender, not aware of the auburn haired girl subtly making her way towards an ex-friend. "Two beers please," she winked, smiling flirtatiously at the attractive bartender. She didn't miss the small smirk on his face as he turned to get the two beers she ordered, and the brunette let out a chuckle under her breath.

The Vasquez girl turned to her right to check on her friend, and her dark eyes soon widened upon seeing that she was speaking to Ingrid Gaupseth, who had a scowl on her face as she stared right back at Eva. "Shit," she murmured under her breath as she walked towards them, her dark brown eyes widening upon hearing what Ingrid had to say about her old best friend.

"I would have lost the eyeliner, you look like a slut."

Ellie soon felt her anger bubble up, and she was seeing red as she clenched her fist in order to at least restrain herself. Ingrid might have been one of her best friends once upon a time, but she didn't even know what she had become during the time they spent apart. She didn't even know the bitch in front of her anymore. This wasn't the Ingrid she loved. "Now, listen here you-"

"She snapped," a girl quickly whispered into Ingrid's ear, interrupting the fuming brunette. Ingrid nodded, shooting the two girls a glare that might have killed if Ellie's glare wasn't deadlier than hers. The two females left Eva and Ellie alone, and the brunette immediately pulled her best friend into an embrace.

The twosome heard an unfamiliar voice from behind them, and they turned to see whoever it was that had interrupted them. "We have Spanish together. Noora." The short haired blonde stretched her hand out for Eva to shake, a genuine smile plastered on her pale face. Eva reached out to take the blonde's hand, shaking Noora's hand gingerly.

"Eva," she smiled, pulling her hand away from the short haired blonde. The auburn haired girl gestured to the brunette standing beside her with a huge grin on her face as she reached out to shake Noora's hand as well. "And this is my best friend, Ellianna."

"My friends call me Ellie," she shook the blonde's hand, flashing her a small smile before pulling her hand away. Nobody could blame her for being too wary of a stranger, she's always had a bit of a trust issue with people she just met. But if Noora played her cards right, she might end up on the sarcastic girl's good side. And only a select few people have ever made it to her good side.

"Girls who call other girls sluts have 90% more chance to get chlamydia," Noora had a small smile on her lips as she spoke, her cerulean eyes fixated on the auburn haired girl. The brunette's dark eyes flickered from Noora to her best friend, who had an incredulous look on her face.


"No," Noora shook her head with a smile. "But it would've been cool if it were true."

Upon hearing Noora's words, the brunette girl let out a giggle, nodding as she pointed at the smiling blonde in front of her. "I like you already," she grinned, folding her arms across her chest as her dark eyes focused solely on the smiling blonde girl. She's barely said a few words to her and Eva, and she's already found her way into the small space in her heart that she's reserved for people she truly liked. And since Noora, despite being a stranger, tried to make her best friend feel better, she was already convinced that the blonde was a pretty cool girl.

Noora nodded once more, her smile still plastered on her face as she turned and left, leaving the two friends alone once more. As soon as she left though, the two beers Ellie had ordered was served, and she quickly grabbed one of the beers, lifting the glass towards her lips as she downed the liquor in a few seconds. A few giggles escaped the brunette's lips, and she turned to look at her auburn haired friend, who was smiling softly as she watched her best friend down the alcohol. "Do you want any?" Ellie gestured towards the beer she had ordered for her best friend.

"Um, maybe later," Eva gave her an apologetic smile as she held a hand up, watching as her brunette friend shrugged before grabbing the beer she ordered for Eva before drinking it all at once, like she did with the previous one.

Ellie could feel the alcohol beginning to take its toll on her, her body warming up as the liquor made its rounds in her bloodstream. She's definitely missed the burning sensation of alcohol passing down her throat, and the way her mind swam once the alcohol's effects have finally begun to show. She wasn't a crazy party girl, but she did like to have fun every now and then. And alcohol makes everything that much better.

~ [ 📷 ] ~

yay this is the first real life chapter!!
i had to separate this into two parts bc it was too long :c

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