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FREDAG 21:23

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FREDAG 21:23

"I'M JUST GONNA HEAD TO THE BATHROOM," Ellie looked up from her empty glass when heard her auburn haired friend from behind her, and she quickly flashed her a silly smile before nodding. Despite being two beers in, Ellie was still very much in control of her thoughts and her actions. She was just a bit tipsy is all. "Are you gonna stay here?"

Ellie knew that after what Ingrid had said to Eva, she couldn't leave her best friend alone. Ingrid used to be their best friend before all the shit happened back in middle school, of course Eva would be very affected by what her old friend had said. She couldn't just ditch the emerald eyed girl, she needed to be there for her now more than ever, and convince her to let loose and forget all about the shit life has thrown at her for a few hours.

"Nah, fuck it, I'm coming with you."

Eva nodded meekly, before turning to head towards the bathroom with a tipsy Ellie trailing behind her. The brunette might have brushed past tons of dancing teenagers as she followed her best friend to the bathroom, but it wasn't her fault that they were dancing where she was gonna pass through. They needed to get the fuck out of the way because she needed to get to the bathroom with her best friend.

As soon as they reached the comfort room, Eva pulled a few sheets of toilet paper from the dispenser beside the sink and reached up to wipe some of the eyeliner she had applied on her face. Seeing what she was about to do, the brunette reached out to stop her, her fingers wrapping around Eva's raised wrist. "Babe, Eva, don't listen to what that bitch had to say about your makeup."

A self-depreciating smile appeared on Eva's lips as she chuckled, shaking her head lightly. "No, she's right though-"

"Well, she isn't! She's just an insecure bitch who lost someone as beautiful and as kind as you as their best friend. Listen to me Eva, you are absolutely beautiful both inside and out, and your makeup made you look like such a hot bitch that I'd wanna hook up with you if I wasn't already your best friend." Ellianna gently pulled the tissue paper away from Eva, discarding it as she took her friend's face in her hands, cupping her pink cheeks. "I love you Eva. You're gorgeous, alright?"

The Mohn girl nodded with a huge smile on her face, tears beginning to glisten in her emerald eyes as she gazed upon the brunette who usually never had anything nice to say about people. Ellie always had something rude to say about so many things and so many people, but she truly cared about the people she'd let inside of her heart. She truly loved her best friend, and she just hoped that she could see just how Ellie could see her as she saw her now.

Their tender moment was interrupted by the sound of someone sniffing from inside the bathroom, their eyes trailing towards the shut door as the twosome fell silent. Ellie's dark brows met as she curiously peered at the closed bathroom door, her eyes widening slightly when she saw who had emerged from the comfort room.

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