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FREDAG 13:54

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FREDAG 13:54

THE SIXTEEN YEAR OLD VASQUEZ GIRL breathed out a sigh of relief when their History teacher finally decided to dismiss their class. She quickly grabbed her stuff, a huff escaping her when Sana, who was also in her History class, approached the brunette girl.

"Thank god, I thought Mrs. Iverson wanted to keep us here forever," Ellie remarked, earning a chuckle from the Muslim girl who was waiting for her friend.

"She probably does, but she knows that she can't hold us here after this period ends," Sana rolled her eyes playfully, just as Ellie grabbed her textbooks from the table. "You ready to go?"

Ellie nodded, before the two girls began to walk out of their classroom together. She turned her head as soon as they exited the room, her deep brown eyes widening when she saw who was waiting near her classroom door.

"Christoffer?" She approached the tall boy, who had one hand shoved in the pocket of his dark skinny jeans and the other was pulling on his backpack strap. Chris looked up at the sound of his name, a smile decorating his handsome face when he saw the younger girl's surprised expression. "What are you doing here?"

Ellianna noticed the way Sana observed the two silently, her lips pursing as her hazel eyes darted between Ellie and Penetrator Chris. She could see the curiosity shining in her eyes, but the Vasquez girl just cleared her throat as she turned her attention back to Chris, who shrugged in response. "I was actually waiting for you," his coffee colored eyes flickered to the Muslim girl, his teeth catching his bottom lip. "I was hoping I could talk to you?"

Ellie turned to her friend, who just smirked knowingly. "Alright, see you later," Sana eyed the older boy for a second, her eyes narrowing as if warning him before turning to leave the two teens alone.

Ellie started biting down on her bottom lip as she looked up at the older boy, a sheepish smile on her face. "So, what are you going to talk to me about?"

Chris' tongue darted out of the corner of his lips out of habit, reaching his hand out to grasp the smaller girl's hand. She felt warmth emanate from his hold on her hand, and she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks, painting them a bright pink.

Chris pulled her to a corner, completely oblivious to the girl's racing heartbeat and the rampaging butterflies in her stomach. His deep brown eyes looked over at their joined hands, a smile forming on his face when he saw how she had squeezed his larger hand gently. "So, I broke up with Iben earlier," he began, the younger girl's eyes going wide in surprise when she heard the news.

"That-that's great news," Ellie answered truthfully, her smile stretching upon hearing that. She was happy that Chris decided to break things off with Iben, so she won't get hurt even more since Chris made it blatantly obvious that he wasn't in love with her the same way she loved him. But she couldn't ever admit that she was happy that they broke up because she was developing feelings for the older boy. "I'm glad you decided to go through with it. It doesn't make sense to be in a relationship with someone you don't even like."

Chris raised an eyebrow at the girl, his smile turning into an amused one. "Are you glad that I broke up with Iben for the better, or are you just glad because I'm officially single again?"

Ellie knew the real answer to that question, but she'd never admit that out loud. She knew that it'll just fuel his ego, so just shot him an ambiguous smile as she shrugged. She didn't bother denying it though, she knew that he'd figure it out sooner or later even if she denied it.

The Schistad boy squinted at the girl, his lips still curled into an amused smile as he peered directly into those pools of chocolate that are her eyes. He chuckled as he ran his fingers through his brown hair, messing it up slightly as she watched him with a smile on her face. "You're adorable, you know that?"

"So I've been told," she replied, a little laugh leaving her lips. She inhaled sharply when she saw the way he was looking at her, another genuine smile that she seemed to be seeing a lot lately on his handsome face. She could feel the way her heart began to leap in her chest, her cheeks growing hotter as the two just stood there staring at one another.

She knew that she was already crushing on the boy, but never did she think about the possibility of her falling in love with someone like him. She knew that what she's feeling for him ran deeper than what she felt for her ex-boyfriend, and whatever they shared between them was something she considered special. She managed to actually get to know the boy behind the fuckboy persona, and he actually managing to break down the high walls she's built around her fragile heart. They went from being enemies to being friends in such a short amount of time, and she realized just how attached she's grown to the older boy who suddenly came in like a storm.

He managed to change her life within such a short amount of time, and what she didn't know was that she managed to change her life just as much as he changed his.

Gone was the boy who was too afraid of the pain of love, that he never grew emotionally attached to anyone he's ever been with. The side he's been trying to hide behind that fuckboy facade has been making an appearance every so often, and the girl who brought him out effortlessly was the girl who punched him in the face the first time they met.

And as for her, the girl who always hid behind that "I-don't-fucking-care-about-anyone" front as no longer. She wasn't the same girl she was before they grew closer, as she wasn't the same girl who hid her weaknesses behind a strong and independent front. She smiled a whole lot more than she used to, and the girl she's always tried to hide was now always present. She was now the girl who cared a whole lot more than she should.

The two of them changed one another without even realizing it. And Ellie loved the girl she was whenever she was around Christoffer. She didn't have to pretend around him, and he knew that he didn't have to pretend around her either.

They were real whenever they were together.

And that was enough to make her realize that maybe, just maybe, Ellianna Reign Vasquez was in love with Christoffer Schistad.

~ [ 📷 ] ~

i cry @ ellianna reign vasquez i literally just chose a random middle name

this is also short and a bit cringey but i needed a rl ellis (yO MY SHIP) scene so here you go!!

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