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FREDAG 18:41

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FREDAG 18:41

ELLIANNA CHEERED AS SHE TOOK A swig of the beer in her hand as the six friends walked to the party at Borkis' house. They had brought alcohol, of course, since it was pretty much a must to get some alcohol in their system before they went to one of the coolest parties around. She was pretty sure that her friends would stop her from doing something scandalous if she ever got too drunk, she did trust them to do that much for her since she was going to do that same.

They soon arrived at the house, and of course, it was Christoffer who had answered the door to let them in. He had one of his infamous fuckboy smirks as he watched the girls pile in, his eyes checking them all out before they entered the house. Ellie went in last, her dark eyes fixated on the eighteen year old who had licked his lips as she went in. She continued to stare at him with a confident smile on her face as she entered, not missing the way he stared at her ass before he shut the door.

As soon as the six girls entered the living room, where all the fun was, they had drawn everyone's attention as they turned to look at the female newcomers. Ellianna had spotted William in one corner, sipping some wine before she waved at him with a smile. She mouthed the words, "Hi Willy!" at him, causing him to chuckle a bit before shaking his head. She then noticed the way his brown eyes lingered on Vilde, who was standing right beside her, causing her to chuckle under her breath.


Ellianna heard Eva curse from under her breath, and the brunette followed Eva's gaze to see the Pepsi Max girls seated on one of the couches in the living room. Her dark eyes went wide as she stared at them in shock, not expecting to see the people she didn't want to see the most. Especially Ingrid and Sara.

"What are they doing here?" Vilde asked, her gray eyes wide as she avoided the Pepsi Max girls' stares. Ellie could understand why Vilde would want to avoid them, they were the ones who threw her out of their bus in the first place. Those bitches.

One of the girls flashed Vilde a smile, before she managed a fake smile of her own as she approached her former bus mates. Eva turned to Noora and Ellie, her emerald eyes narrowing as her gaze flickered back to Pepsi Max. "Weren't they the ones who threw her out of the bus?"

"Wasn't it them who called you a slut?" Noora pointed at Ingrid, whose attention was on the grinning blonde in front of them. The three girls exchanged meaningful glances before they glanced over at the Pepsi Max girls once again.

Ellie's dark eyes then caught those of Christoffer, who was staring at her from across the room with a smirk on his face. Her dark eyes went wide as she tore her gaze away from him, her cheeks flushing slightly as she leaned in towards her two friends. "Um.. please don't leave me. Chris might come to assault me or something."

"Only if you don't leave me, I might get attacked by one of those girls," Eva's eyes glanced over at the Pepsi Max girls once more.

"Okay, no one's leaving anyone. Alright?"

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