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Chris 💦

ayy mami 😍

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ayy mami 😍

El ☃️
hola puta

Chris 💦
what's a puta

El ☃️

Chris 💦
your birthday's in a week!!!!

El ☃️
oh boy not again
didn't i say i'll think about it

Chris 💦
oh come onnn
you only turn 17 once
might as well enjoy it

El ☃️
i'm honestly fine with just watching a movie on my birthday as long as i get my face stuffed with cookie dough ice cream

Chris 💦
why don't i come over and we can celebrate your birthday together

El ☃️
ummm as tempting as that sounds

Chris 💦
but why 😭
don't you like my company

El ☃️
i don't mind your company or anything
why do you want to party on my birthday so bad

Chris 💦
well why don't you
it's your birthday after all
you should party till the morning

El ☃️
im never really the fan of throwing huge ass parties for my birthday

Chris 💦
but im gonna give you a present though is that okay ☺️

El ☃️
presents are fine
just no parties
but what kind of present are you gonna give me bc im curious

Chris 💦
i was thinking of surprising you with a dick in a box

El ☃️
you're disgusting
do you want me to block you

Chris 💦
nothing raunchy
but it'll be a surprise 😏

El ☃️
okay ?
as long as it isn't anything nasty then we're all good

Chris 💦
good ☺️
im gonna go plan out your gift

El ☃️
have fun dork
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