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SØNDAG 18:17

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SØNDAG 18:17

HER DARK BROWN EYES continued to stare vacantly at the pale blue walls of her room, her mind fixated on what she'd seen at the Halloween party last Friday. She couldn't bring herself to forget it at all, as much as she wanted to. It was because every time she closed her eyes, the scene of Chris hovering above Eva as their lips interlocked kept replaying again and again in her mind like a broken record.

She didn't even understand why her mind kept reminding her of what she wanted to unsee. And she didn't even understand why she was so hung up about what happened last Halloween. She shouldn't even be this affected over something the two of them did, so why was she?

She couldn't even understand anything, anymore.

Her best friend, Isak, came over during the morning claiming that he had missed her and he wanted to hang out with her despite her dampered mood. He dragged her out of her apartment, as she was too out of it to even refuse, in an attempt to at least cheer her up because she was obviously upset about something and yet she herself couldn't understand what exactly she was upset about.

She honestly didn't feel up to it, and she just followed him around as he dragged her all over the city to find something to distract her. Nothing did.

Her sister even reached out to her through text, but she just read it and discarded her phone somewhere. Add that to the growing list of texts that she didn't bother replying to.

Maybe she'll end up replying to all those messages later on. But for now, all she wanted as to be left alone until she could get herself out of this damn rut.

She knew that she couldn't get over it if all she did was stare at the walls all day. She needed to do something else that would somehow make her forget, so she could clear her mind. She needed a change of pace.

And so she decided that the best way to do that was to take a walk outside.

It was still light out, which meant that it was probably safe for her to go out for a walk. She wasn't going to go far anyway, maybe just a walk around the block just to sightsee and maybe clear her head.

She pushed herself off her bed, heading to her closet to grab her hoodie and then her keys from her desk before she exited her two bedroom apartment.

The dark haired girl was met with the cold air as soon as she stepped outside her apartment, and she quickly slipped on her hoodie so she wouldn't be too cold as she walked wherever her heart wanted to. She needed to lose those thoughts that have been plaguing her mind, just so she could finally get her old, sarcastic self back.

She began to walk towards the direction of a park nearby, which was only three blocks away from her apartment, hoping that there wasn't anyone there who would bother her. She wanted the peaceful silence that came with the great outdoors, since she cannot get that peace she longed for inside her house. It was suffocating, being inside that empty apartment all alone, with her father practically living at the hospital because of all the shifts he's been taking.

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