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Calling Marianna Grande 👯


"Marie! Hi, did I call you at a bad time?"

"No, of course not. I'm actually taking a break from studying right now. So, how's my favorite baby sister?"

"You know I'm your only baby sister, so of course I'd be your favorite. But I'm honestly great, thanks for asking! I feel like things are actually going my way these days, and I feel really happy."

"Does it have anything to do with a boy named Christoffer?"

"I never thought it'd be that obvious big sister!"

"Oh, stop with the sarcasm, Ellianna. Are you two dating?"

"I mean, kinda? Sorta? Yes?"

"I'm so so so happy for you two, Ellie! I'm glad that you finally found someone you really like, and I'm glad that Chris finally found someone he really wanted to be with."

"Thanks Em. This is probably the happiest I've been in a while..."

"I want you to promise me that you two are gonna make each other happy okay? And take care of one another, the both of you have special places in my heart, you know!"

"Wait, really? Like, isn't it weird that your baby sister's dating your first love slash ex?"

"Not really, I mean, it irked me a little when I found out but I want you to be happy, El. If being with Chris makes you this happy, then I don't care if it's a bit weird. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"Thank you Marie... Thank you."

"Alright, I gotta go now but I'll call you again soon okay? See you baby!"

"Bye sis! Take care of yourself."


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