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penetratorchris sent you a message!

Chris 👅💦
good morning beautiful

Ellie 💋
good morning ugly

Chris 👅💦
that hurts ellianna

Ellie 💋
im sorry christoffer
would you like a kiss for that booboo

Chris 👅💦
that would be nice thanks

Ellie 💋
well tough luck
now why are you texting me so damn early

Chris 👅💦
i can't text you bc i miss you? 😭

Ellie 💋
you can't miss someone you don't like christoffer

Chris 👅💦
but i do like you

Ellie 💋
pfft yeah right
do you have anything you wanna ask me or what

Chris 👅💦
i was gonna ask if you wanna come to the penetrator party this friday

Ellie 💋
penetrator party?
nope not interested

Chris 👅💦
but wHY
our parties are awesome
you won't regret going

Ellie 💋
the last time i partied, i got so shitfaced that i hooked up with you
so no thanks
i'll be staying away from parties a bit

Chris 👅💦
aw come on
i won't let you get too drunk
i promise you that won't happen again
i can stop you before it gets too far

Ellie 💋
don't say things that make me think you care dicktoffer
the answer's still no

Chris 👅💦
are you sure
this is a one time offer
if you don't take it now
you're gonna have to work to get another invite from yours truly 😏

Ellie 💋
um yeah im sure

Chris 👅💦
but don't forget you can always ask me for an invite
but it aint gonna be free afterwards

Ellie 💋
uhh ok
i gotta go give my dog a bath
so bye

Chris 👅💦
hey wait
do you even have a dog

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