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Ellianna Vasquez added a new photo - with Marianna Vasquez.

throwback to the last time i was on the happiest place on earth 😊 someone please take me back 😭

throwback to the last time i was on the happiest place on earth 😊 someone please take me back 😭

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👍🏼❤️ Marianna Vasquez and 48 others


Marianna Vasquez
omg i remember this, you were crying so hard bc you got to see belle in real life
Isak Valtersen
     LMAO WHAT???? why tho
      ↳ Marianna Vasquez
           belle's always been her favorite  
           so she was like so happy when
           she met belle
            ↳ Eva Kviig Mohn
                my best friend is precious 😫
                 ↳ Jonas Noah Vasquez
                      SHE MUST BE        
                      PROTECTED FAM

Ellianna Vasquez
honestly y'all let me live i love you all but fam you gotta stop revealing my deepest darkest secrets, it doesn't make me seem mysterious anymore 😒 Marianna Vasquez Isak Valtersen Eva Kviig Mohn Jonas Noah Vasquez
Eva Kviig Mohn
oh you know we love you ❤️
Ellianna Vasquez
im seriously starting to doubt
that now

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