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private message between Queen Ellie ✨👑 and Christoffer 🍆💦

Queen Ellie ✨👑
hey christoffer

Christoffer 🍆💦
to what do i owe this pleasure ellianna?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
were you the one who ratted eva out to iben???

Christoffer 🍆💦
no i swear i didn't do it
i didn't tell a single soul about what happened
i didn't even tell anyone about us hooking up, not even william
i wouldn't rat eva out either
i'm hurt that you don't even trust me anymore

Queen Ellie ✨👑
well it's kinda hard to trust you again when you went behind my back and hooked up with eva when i clearly told you not to
and i trusted you not to
yet you did anyway

Christoffer 🍆💦
i do regret that ellianna
i really do 😩

Queen Ellie ✨👑

Christoffer 🍆💦
but i will get you trust me again ellianna
i'm going to win back your trust and get you to forgive me when you realize just how sorry i am for all the shit i've done
just you wait
Read 10:57

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