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EVERY MEMBER OF THEIR BUS was sent a message from their self-proclaimed bus leader yesterday, saying that they were going to have an extraordinary bus meeting today at 15:00. And since Ellianna was never one of the people who'd arrive early during meetings, she was sluggishly making her way to their meeting place as she groaned every now and then.

She honestly thought that it was a miracle that she wasn't late to their meeting, since she was usually the last one to arrive if she wasn't already with Eva before the meeting. And since she didn't have any classes with Eva today, she had to get there all by herself without anyone dragging her there.

As soon as she reached their meeting place, the brunette pushed open the door before flashing her four friends a smile when she entered. All the females exchanged greetings, and the brunette girl quickly took the vacant seat beside Noora, leaving the last one between Chris and now Ellie, open for Vilde to take.

It's been quite a drama filled week thanks to the rumors circulating about Eva and Christoffer hooking up at the Halloween party two weeks ago, and all of them were doing their very best to comfort Eva seeing as she was not only being gossiped about by the entire school, but she also lost the person who meant the most to her because she'd been unfaithful.

Ellie took every chance she could get to comfort Eva, since she's been friends with her the longest out of all of them. She knew the auburn haired girl best, and she knew just exactly what to do and what to say to get her to cheer up. She was doing everything she could think of just to make her happy, since she needed it now that shit's happened.

But still, Ellie could not shake off the feeling of guilt that's eating her from the inside. She knew that she had to tell someone that she'd also been one of the girls who had hooked up with Chris while he was with Iben. There wasn't anyone here who knew about it, since the only people who knew all about it was her and Christoffer.

She was hoping that she could hide this drunken incident, keeping her own secret safe with her and locked inside so that no one could ever uncover it. But she knew that she couldn't hide it any longer, since she still felt that guilt building up inside of her every time she saw Eva cry. She felt that she deserved the same thing that was happening to Eva, but she couldn't possibly add more drama to this already boiling hot mess. She decided that the best time to do so was when things have calmed down a little bit, and she also decided that once everything's gotten smoothed out, she would tell Iben all about her own hookup with the Schistad boy.

She deserved that much after all, since she loved Chris with all her heart.

The door soon opened, and in walked the blonde they were all waiting for, clad in a dark red jacket. She took off said jacket, placing it on her chair just as Sana began to speak to her. "Will this meeting take a long time? I have something else I need to do," the Muslim girl informed the blonde, who just ignored Sana's question as she took her seat.

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