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ELLIANNA EXITED HER French class with Vilde trailing behind her with a huge smile on her face. The six friends went to Doctor Skrulle earlier today, where they found out that Vilde wasn't really pregnant and she mistakenly took ovulation tests instead of pregnancy tests.

She mistook her stomach pain for pregnancy pain, and she practically revealed that she hasn't been eating properly. Ellie was concerned, knowing that Vilde was incredibly affected by what William had said to her a few weeks ago. And because he said she wasn't good enough, she was starving herself just so she could lose some weight to make herself appear good enough to anyone.

She knew that she needed to keep a watchful eye on Vilde, since she wasn't eating and she's making herself throw up. She honestly thought that William's opinion didn't matter because Vilde was so fucking beautiful the way she is and she didn't need a boy's approval because she was more than good enough. It was William who wasn't good enough for a girl like Vilde.

"Ellie, are you going somewhere?" Vilde asked the taller brunette, the two stepping out of their French classroom together.

Ellie bit her lip when she noticed the Schistad boy approaching, clad in a navy blue and white letterman jacket over a white shirt, pairing them with dark denim jeans.

Vilde followed the brunette's gaze, her pale blue eyes noticing the taller boy making his way towards them. The smile on her face grew as soon as Christoffer reached the two ladies, one grinning like mad and the other smiling softly at her date.

"Hi," Chris greeted the brunette, nodding his head at the blonde in acknowledgment.

"Hello," Ellie greeted back with a smile, her dark eyes turning to her blonde best friend. She shot her friend a look that practically screamed, "I love you but please leave so we can be alone."

Vilde chuckled lightly, turning to the older boy with that huge grin on her face. "So nice to see you Chris. I'll see you guys tomorrow," Vilde's right eye dropped into a wink when she turned to her best friend, before she began to swiftly retreat so she wouldn't get in the way of their date.

Ellie peered up at Chris, tucking strands of her raven hair behind her ear as she watched his tongue lick his bottom lip. "So, are we gonna go grab some ice cream or are we just gonna stand here all day?"

Chris shrugged before answering, "I honestly don't mind because either way, I get to spend time with you and that's all I ever wanna do."

Ellie felt her cheeks begin to burn when his words registered in her mind, and she wondered how he got so good in making her feel these kind of feelings. It was as if every sweet thing he said made her feel butterflies, and she couldn't resist getting these butterflies even if she wanted to. "Well, as much as standing around sounds like so much fun, I personally think that getting ice cream would make it so much better."

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