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FREDAG 18:59

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FREDAG 18:59

ELLIANNA WALKED TO the square, her hand in Christoffer's much larger one as they made their way towards the huge crowd of people gathered around the Christmas tree. She had one of the biggest smiles on her face, her dark eyes flickering to the taller boy walking beside her every now and then.

Ellie still couldn't get over how fast her heart was beating right now, even though she's experienced this sensation with Chris more than a few times already. It was a reaction that she couldn't control, knowing that her heart knew what she was feeling for the boy. It just took her mind a little longer to figure out what exactly this feeling was.

It wasn't anything like infatuation, or attraction, or simply admiration.

It much something much deeper than that, it was something she hasn't truly experienced with someone else. It was something real, and she couldn't believe that she could experience it with someone like Chris.

Although it did seem unlikely for the two of them to fall for one another - she was the girl with the sharp tongue, whose words would always cut down everyone in her path. And he was the boy who pretty much wanted to hook up with anyone, the boy every girl dreams about and every boy wanted to be.

They started out as two people who hated one another for different reasons, and within such a short amount of time, they've forgotten all about their mutual hatred and they've grown to fall for one another romantically. Ellie guessed it was true how the more you hate, the more you love - if she could even call it love, yet.

The smaller girl's chocolate colored eyes searched the crowd of teenagers, and she quickly found her friends gathered together a little distance away from the Christmas tree. She bit down on her bottom lip, turning to Chris, who seemed to have also found his group of friends on the other side of the square. "I think we're gonna have to split up for now."

Chris chuckled, a cloud of air puffing out from his nose as he did. "I think were gonna have to. But I'll see you later, yeah?"

Ellie nodded, a soft smile on her face as they exchanged affectionate gazes. "Of course," she answered, her eyes fluttering shut when Chris placed a quick kiss on her pink lips. She gave him one last smile before they reluctantly released each other's hands, and they went their separate ways as they walked over to their respective group of friends.

"Hi guys!" She greeted her friends who were gathered together which were Eva and Vilde. She was sure that she saw Noora somewhere, and Sana was with Chris somewhere else. She decided that she should approach Eva and Vilde first, before she was gonna go ahead to find Sana and Chris.

"Ellie!" Eva took the brunette girl in her arms, giving her best friend a squeeze. The two friends laughed as they shared a tender moment, before Ellie had to pull away from her friend's embrace. Ellie then wrapped her arms around a grinning Vilde, who returned the brunette's bear hug right after.

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