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Incoming call from
Marianna Grande 👯

"Buenos dias!"

"Hey El, good morning. How are you?"

"I'm honestly great, I slept for like, 10 hours and I feel so fucking refreshed."

"That's good. Oh, totally forgot to tell you but happy new year baby sister!"

"Happy new year to you too, Marie!"

"How did you guys spend new years eve? Like any other year?"

"Oh, you know, same old. We had dad's famous burgers and ended up watching the New Years Eve movie."

"You mean the one that's like Love Actually?"

"Yeah, that one. I actually really liked it, even though I was pretty much criticizing like, half the movie."

"That sounds like you." *laughs*

"Umm, I also invited Christoffer to spend new years with us. I officially introduced him to dad as my- uh... yeah."

"That's great! Dad's gonna love him, or at least, I hope he does. He didn't really like him back when we were dating. Although you did say he's changed recently. If he really had changed, then maybe dad really will love him."

"Yeah, dad also had a little private talk with him and neither of them would tell me what they talked about."

"Probably guy stuff."

"Or the sex talk."

"That would be so freaking awkward!"

"I know!"

"...Hey, I'm really sorry that I couldn't come home this Christmas. I had so much to do, and I had so many deadlines-"

"It's okay! You don't have to apologize for that, you're only doing what you love to do right? We understand that."

"But I still feel bad. And I really miss you guys too, so I'm gonna thinking of coming home during spring break!"

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yes! I'm just gonna finish all my obligations before spring break so I have the entire break free."

"I know I'm excited to see you! It's been like, what, four months since we last saw each other?"

"I can't wait either! I really missed dad, too."

"I'm sure he'll cry when he sees how much you've grown. You two haven't really seen each other since you moved to London."

"I probably will, too. It's been ages since I've seen him. How is he, by the way?"

"He's doing fine, his shifts are less frequent since December. I just hope he isn't overworking himself or it'll make our situation worse."

"That's good! I've been sending him the extra money I've earned in my part time job, too."

"I'm honestly glad that our situation's beginning to take a good turn and-"

"Babe, where are you going?"


"Ellie? Who was that?"

"Uhh, the TV?"

"Did Chris sleep over?"


"Is that Marie?"

"Ellianna Reign Vasquez! Does dad know?"

"I was gonna tell him... But we didn't do anything, I swear. We just slept."

"And made out."

"Oh my god, please shut up, Christoffer. You're not helping."

"Ohh-kay. I should probably leave you two alone, so I'll talk to you later, love you, bye!"

"Marie, wait!"

"...Son of a bitch. She hung up."


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