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LØRDAG 10:21

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LØRDAG 10:21

IT WASN'T A SECRET THAT Ellianna wasn't one of the people who loved waking up on mornings, she was one of the people who absolutely despised mornings. She was the kind of person who'd pretty much fight anyone who tried to get her out of bed when it was so damn early.

She was also the kind of person who falls right back asleep after snoozing her alarm, as well. So when the rest of the girls, excluding Vilde, tried to wake up the sleeping beauty, they were met with kicking and screaming as Ellie fought to stay in the comfort of the bed.

Yet despite what they had to do to get Ellie out of bed, the groggy girl was forced out of the bed when Eva threatened to take photos of her unattractive sleeping face so they could send it to the boy she was crushing so hard on - Christoffer.

That was all it took for Ellie to jolt awake, and follow the rest of the girls to the kitchen so they could prepare breakfast for everyone before Vilde woke up. They figured that she needed to rest as much as she could, since she didn't really look very well when she staggered in Iben's house last night.

The four friends were now in Eva's kitchen, with Noora cooking up some pancakes for everyone to eat, Chris playing with the eggs she's taken from the egg tray, Eva chilling near the window with Sana, and Ellie was in the dining room, setting the table for the six of them.

She carefully placed each plate on their designated seats, pausing every now and then as she listened to her friends talking about how Eva lived alone ever since her mom took a job at the ministry of environment. She's been aware of Eva's living situation ever since her mom took that job, and she was painfully aware of the hollow pain in your chest when you had no one to greet you when you come back home. This was the reason why the two of them liked to spend time at each other's place, or maybe at Jonas' house or Isak's.

Ellie's been living alone most of the time ever since her sister went off to college in London, and her dad began to take up more shifts, as she learned recently, so that he could make ends meet. But she was pretty glad that she still got to see him every now and then, when he finished work early that night. Even though she only gets to see him for such a short amount of time, it was worth it as long as she could still continue to enjoy her father's presence.

Ellie began to place spoons and forks for everyone, jumping a little when she heard the sound of something soft breaking back in the kitchen. She walked over to the kitchen, to see that Chris had dropped one of the raw eggs onto the floor, creating a very unattractive egg splatter. "Chris, you get to clean it up!"

The Vasquez girl chuckled before she went back into the dining room, and continued to set the table, listening to how Eva was telling their friends all about her parents' divorce and the time when they moved to Oslo from Bergen back when she was twelve.

Ellie's situation wasn't that much different than Eva's, since they were both children of divorced parents and they were both currently living alone because their parent was always working their ass off. Maybe that was the reason why she felt a certain pull from the redhead when she met her for the first time, when Ingrid introduced them to one another. She's always keeping people at a distance, but it was so easy for her to let Eva in somehow.

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