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private message between Ellie 💗💅🏼 and Eva 💕

Eva 💕

Ellie 💗💅🏼
wait what really???
omg im so happy for you!
did you two make up 😊

Eva 💕
thank you el 😘❤️
we did actually and i couldn't be happier 😚
i just planned on talking to her about the period letter but everything just spilled out of my mouth

Ellie 💗💅🏼
i'm really really happy that you two resolved your differences
you two really needed some closure after two years

Eva 💕
i'm glad too ❤️
but you know the reason i talked to her was bc i thought she sent me the period letters but she wasn't the one who sent them
it was iben

Ellie 💗💅🏼
iben??? omg

Eva 💕
and it gets worse
isak was the one who tipped off iben about me and chris

Ellie 💗💅🏼
what th  e fuck???
i love isak but honestly just finding out that he told iben after you trusted him not to tell anyone???
you know i made him promise that he wouldn't tell jonas about you guys

Eva 💕
you did that???

Ellie 💗💅🏼
but the little shit worked his way around that promise bc he didn't exactly tell jonas bc he told iben instead  who then told everyone, which is how jonas found out

Eva 💕
gahshdjsj im pissed at him for doing that
why the hell would he even do that???

Ellie 💗💅🏼
i've honestly got no clue
do you maybe want me to talk to isak?

Eva 💕
no no
it's okay
i can't ask you to do that
i think i need to be the one to deal with him myself bc this is between us
thank you though 💞

Ellie 💗💅🏼
if you say so
i hope you guys resolve this soon 🙏🏼🤗

Eva 💕
me too
i gotta go but i'll catch you later!

Ellie 💗💅🏼
okay best friend ❤️
Read 09:10

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