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ELLIANNA DRAGGED HER SLEEPY ASS out of her classroom, a yawn escaping her lips as she exited the room. It was such a fine Tuesday morning, and the brunette couldn't consider it fine since she lost sleep last night. She's been staying up much later than usual, ever since she found out that she had feelings for a certain boy, and she's been up late just thinking all about him or because she was texting him.

It was easy to figure out that he was her reason for lack of sleep, but it wasn't as if she minded at all. She was alright with having lesser sleep if it meant that she could talk to him more.

"That was one attractive yawn," she heard someone call out, and she snapped her head at the direction of the voice. She was met with a smirking Chris, who was leaning against the wall beside their classroom's exit, with a chuckling William right behind him.

Ellie soon realized that Chris and William had seen that incredibly attractive yawn, and her cheeks heated up in embarrassment despite her sarcastic answer. "Well, thank you, it requires such grueling effort to make a yawn look so attractive."

She walked over to the two Penetrators, noticing the looks her classmates were giving her as they passed the three teens by. She knew it was strange seeing a freshman like her, with two of the most popular guys in school during school hours, but she didn't really care at this point. But then again, when did she ever?

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked the two older boys, who just exchanged looks before turning back to the curious brunette.

"Well, we were just waiting for you to come out because I missed your pretty face," he remarked, earning a chuckle from both Ellie and William.

"You literally just saw me yesterday before first period started. I was walking into school and you were in the courtyard with your '97 friends?"

Chris stuck out his bottom lip into a pout as he attempted to make himself look so adorably cute. And Ellie knew that he was doing it pretty well, her heart was leaping in her chest as she watched him. "But I miss you all the time. It's sad."

William cleared his throat from behind Chris, tucking his long-ass bangs behind his right ear. "Chris, we have another class after this?" He reminded his flirting friend, who nodded as he breathed out a sigh.

"Anyway, we came here to walk you to your next class. I remembered that our next classes were in the same building, so why not just walk there together, you know?"

Ellie blinked, smiling as she realized that Chris was being a sweetheart. It wasn't everyday you hear the Christoffer Schistad offering to walk a girl to her class, and she was pretty sure that he doesn't really do this very often. "Of course, let's go."

Chris grinned as he shot his best friend a thumbs up, and the Magnusson boy responded with a small nod as he watched the two lovestruck teenagers in front of him. Ellie felt a bit bad for Willy since he was pretty much dragged into this by Chris, but still, she figured that he might not have minded because he wasn't complaining.

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