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Ellianna Vasquez is listening to English Love Affair by 5 Seconds of Summer.

👍Isak Valtersen and 30 people like this.
Eva Kviig Mohn
omg i love this band!!
    ↳ Ellianna Vasquez
       same, im so heart eyes for calum
       ↳ Eva Kviig Mohn
           luke is so cute tho but also
           ↳ Isak Valtersen
               ashton's pretty cute
               ↳ Jonas Noah Vasquez
                   bro what even
                  ↳ Isak Valtersen
                      *** COOL i meant cool

  ↳ Chris Schistad
      your music taste is shit by the way
      ↳ Ellianna Vasquez
          your face is shit christoffer
         ↳ William Magnusson
             you're awesome ellianna
            ↳ Ellianna Vasquez
                i do try willy 😜

~ [ 📷] ~
just a little filler 😚

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