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private message between Queen Ellie ✨👑 and Christoffer 🍆💦

Christoffer 🍆💦
did you help your friend get laid

Queen Ellie ✨👑
yeah kind of
she's gonna sleep with him on friday

Christoffer 🍆💦
that explains why he said he'll be doimg something that day
but he didn't say he was
doing someone 😏

Queen Ellie ✨👑
technically we also have plans bc we'll be chilling at eva's before she goes off to sleep with him

Christoffer 🍆💦
but do you have any plans on saturday

Queen Ellie ✨👑
um well no
i don't think so

Christoffer 🍆💦
i've got no plans either
wanna watch a movie or something

Queen Ellie ✨👑
uhh i would
but then it'd be like a date or something
plus i think iben's onto me bc she liked that photo of the coffee you got me

Christoffer 🍆💦
she asked if it was me and i told her the truth
then she asked who you were
and i told her you were just an old friend

Queen Ellie ✨👑
as long as we don't give her to suspect us then it's fine

Christoffer 🍆💦
would you wanna go out for a
movie tho
as friends

Queen Ellie ✨👑
you don't go out to movies alone with a girl if you're just friends

Christoffer 🍆💦
how about we don't go out then
we can just have a movie marathon at your house or something

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i never knew christoffer schistad was the type to enjoy movies

Christoffer 🍆💦
i do like movies too you know
im more than just parties and girls all the time
so what do you say?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
it's not like i have anything better to do

Christoffer 🍆💦
i wouldn't even dare
i'll text you okay?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
see you then dick

Christoffer 🍆💦
Read 15:55

~ [ 📷 ] ~
crying ellis is gonna have another "friendly" date 🙄😍

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