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MANDAG 08:28

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MANDAG 08:28

A LOUD GROAN ESCAPED the brunette's parted lips as soon as her closed eyes felt the ray of sunlight shine upon her face. She reached up to grab her extra pillow to cover her face, knowing that she might need a few more hours of sleep because of her killer hangover. She needed to protect her sensitive eyes to bright lights, knowing that now wasn't the best time to admire the sunrise or whatever.

For fuck's sake, she was fucking hangover and she needed to live.

She used her hand to search for her extra pillow blindly since her eyes still screwed shut. She couldn't bear to open them now. She even thought about finding a way to close her royal blue curtains without opening her eyes, but she knew that wouldn't be possible and she had to suck it up, and open her sensitive eyes to close her damn curtains.

Imagine her surprise though, when she felt hair from someone's head beside her. And that someone wasn't her.

Her dark eyes shot open, wide in shock as she stared at the sleeping figure beside her. She couldn't help but gasp when she saw that the sleeping figure was none other than Christoffer Schistad, the fuckboy she loathed with her very being. And what made this situation worse was the fact that he was naked, or at least, he was only shirtless since the sheets covered his bottom half, thankfully.

Her head began to throb painfully as she slowly pushed herself up, tearing her chocolate eyes away from the sleeping fuckboy before trailing down her own body, which she just realized was only leaving little to the imagination as she was only clad in her underwear. Her heartbeat began to pick up as she took in her surroundings, a room she did not even recognize and with a boy she loved to hate with her whole heart.

She couldn't even remember what the hell happened last night, the only thing she could remember was that she was absolutely wasted and she was hooking up with a guy she was too drunk to recognize. She doesn't remember ever running into Chris, but maybe that happened later into the night when her mind stopped functioning.

Her mind was racing, dozens of scenarios of what might have happened the night before, playing out in her head. But despite every scenario she's thought up, she was painfully aware of the truth that the guy who was lying next to her bed was a huge fuckboy, and there was no doubt in her mind that they might have hooked up last night. The mere thought of her hooking up with Dicktoffer made bile rise in her throat, and she wished that hooking up was all they did last night. If they went any farther than that, she might just stab a fork in her eye.

But despite the many assumptions of what could have happened last night, the only way she could find out what really happened was to ask Chris and hope he actually does remember anything from the night before.

She slowly reached out, hesitantly placing her hand on Chris' naked shoulder, a frown etched on her face as she began to shake the eighteen year old awake. "Christoffer..." she began softly, still a bit reluctant to wake the dick up just so she could find out whatever the hell happened last night. After a few moments of shaking, he still didn't budge or move at all, which caused the brunette girl to huff in annoyance.

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