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FREDAG 18:50

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FREDAG 18:50

FRIDAY FINALLY CAME and with that, also came their first ever Russ bus meeting.

The six of them were hanging out in Eva's basement, waiting for the meeting to start as Vilde entered the room with cupcakes on a tray. Ellie's chocolate eyes went wide as her lips parted, her mouth watering at the sight of the delicious pastry. She could never admit to anyone that sweets were her guilty pleasure, because it was a bit embarrassing to admit that someone like her, who usually frowned at absolutely anything, secretly loved to eat sweets.

She quickly snatched one as soon as Vilde set the tray down onto the table, taking a bite out of it with a satisfied hum. She busied herself with her scrumptious cupcake as the rest of the girls in the room discussed the plans for their new bus, which was pretty much just Vilde talking about toilet paper or whatever. The brunette took another bite out of her cupcake, frowning as Vilde handed her a sheet of paper that seemed to have their budget written on it.

She shook her head, setting it down on the table as she swallowed the food inside her mouth. "We're wasting time on toilet paper, it's not enough," she heard the Muslim girl say to Vilde, her dark lips set into a thin line as she glanced over at Vilde. This was obviously Sana, the Muslim girl Eva was talking about last night, and even Ellie could admit that she exudes an aura that sets people off. She hasn't heard her insult anyone yet, but she was pretty sure that she'll offend or insult Vilde at least thrice tonight, and she was looking forward to seeing that.

"It's important that we have-"

"Listen, we're losers at school," Sana cut the blonde off once more, her dark eyes watching every girl in the room. "If we don't want to end up in a loser car, we need a strategy."

"We aren't the losers of the school," Vilde interjected, and the Vasquez girl watched as Sana's dark brows drew together as she gazed over at the blonde girl with a frown.

"Wasn't it you who was thrown out of another bus?"

The news about Vilde's expulsion from Pepsi Max wasn't spreading like wildfire, but Ellie was pretty sure that a good number of people from the first years heard about that. Heck, even she knew about that way before she even talked to the girl. She had to admit that she could understand Vilde's need to fit in by starting her very own bus right after she was thrown out of her last one. Poor girl.

"Not really thrown out..."

Ellie scooted closer to Eva, before she rested her head on her best friend's shoulder. She had to stifle a yawn because this meeting was pretty much going nowhere thanks to Sana and Vilde's bickering, and she didn't really wanna be here anyways. She only went for Eva's sake, since she was keen on making new friends and she didn't wanna stop her by not going along.

She pursed her lips as she watched Vilde and Sana continue to talk back to one another until the blonde girl finally asked the Muslim girl, "But what do you want us to do?"

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