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private message between Ellie 💗💅🏼 and Christoffer 🍆💦

Christoffer 🍆💦

Ellie 💗💅🏼

Christoffer 🍆💦
how are you today, beautiful?

Ellie 💗💅🏼
it was great
until you decided to text me

Christoffer 🍆💦
we both know you don't mean that

Ellie 💗💅🏼
course i don't, it just got a whole lot better though 😍💕
you caught me
to what do i owe this pleasure then

Christoffer 🍆💦
oh right
i just came to tell you that i'm thinking of breaking up with iben

Ellie 💗💅🏼
wait you're serious???
i honestly do think it's right
i mean i remember when you said that you didn't really love her right
so you should just end it as soon as possible bc dragging this one would only make her think that you did love her when you don't

Christoffer 🍆💦
yeah i mean
i've been thinking of that for a while now but now i really think i should do it
i don't wanna hurt her even more

Ellie 💗💅🏼
you know im curious about something

Christoffer 🍆💦
is it about how i got my godly looks

Ellie 💗💅🏼
uhh what part of you is godly??? i seem to be blind at the moment???

Christoffer 🍆💦
that hurts ellianna 😩

Ellie 💗💅🏼
no but seriously
i wanna know if you've ever really fallen in love before
bc i know you've had lots of hookups and one night stands and girlfriends
but have you ever really loved anyone

Christoffer 🍆💦
well honestly
despite popular belief
i actually did fall in love with someone once when i was like 14
but fuck she broke my heart real bad

Ellie 💗💅🏼
i can't believe that you ever fell in love bc chris schistad and falling in love don't really belong in the same sentence

Christoffer 🍆💦
yeah well i agree
and she's partly the reason why i became a fuckboy i guess

Ellie 💗💅🏼
you must have really loved her then
but like is there another reason why you became who you are now
bc im curious
how did the great heartbreaker christoffer schistad become a such a big fuckboy

Christoffer 🍆💦
nah i'll tell you another time 😉
every guy needs a little bit of mystery to keep girls interested

Ellie 💗💅🏼

Christoffer 🍆💦
stop trying to make fetch happen gretchen

Ellie 💗💅🏼
omg you got my reference 😶
i cant believe this

Christoffer 🍆💦
you better believe it baby
uhh gtg my teacher's staring at me lol
talk to you later beautiful 😘

Ellie 💗💅🏼
dont get yourself into too much trouble dick 😜
Read 14:12

Ellie 💗💅🏼 changed Christoffer 🍆💦's contact name to Christoffer 💞

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