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private message between Queen Ellie ✨👑 and Nick Jonas 💙

Queen Ellie ✨👑
how's my favorite cousin

Nick Jonas 💙
you know that i should be the one asking you that el
i heard from eva that you didn't go to school today???
what happened
are you okay

Queen Ellie ✨👑
don't be such a worrywart baby cousin
i'm totally fine, it's nothing serious anyway
i'll be back before you know it

Nick Jonas 💙
do you want me to come over later?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
no it's okay
i'm doing just fine here!
dad left me money for breakfast last night bc apparently he went home while i was asleep

Nick Jonas 💙
if you say so

Queen Ellie ✨👑
hey jonas?

Nick Jonas 💙

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i know i shouldn't be saying this but i felt like you deserved the truth, and the truth is that eva hooked up with penetrator chris at the halloween party we went to last friday
nothing, i guess i'll catch you later

Nick Jonas 💙
take care of yourself el

Queen Ellie ✨👑
you too noah
Read 10:25

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private message between Queen Ellie ✨👑 and Isak Lahey 💛

Isak Lahey 💛
hi ellie
how are you

Queen Ellie ✨👑
this is a rare treat
hello my smol bean friend
i'm doing fine, and you?

Isak Lahey 💛
that's good
im a bit... confused i guess
did you know that eva hooked up with penetrator chris last friday???

Queen Ellie ✨👑
well.. yea
i mean i kinda walked
in on them at the party so

Isak Lahey 💛
wait what the fuck
why didn't you tell jonas???
who is your cousin by the way???
that his girlfriend cheated on him with a fuckboy???

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i wanted to, i really did
but i thought it would be best if he heard it from eva first
it'll hurt much less if it came from her
and i don't wanna interfere with their relationship anymore than i already have

Isak Lahey 💛
so you're choosing her side?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i'm not choosing a side, isak
i just want them to resolve this by themselves without any other parties fucking things up for them even more
but since you know now im guessing eva told you???

Isak Lahey 💛
she told me at the skate park

Queen Ellie ✨👑
isak for the love of god please do not tell jonas
you gotta promise me

Isak Lahey 💛
okay i promise
but he's bound to find out eventually and you know that

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i know
i just wish he'd hear it from eva first

Isak Lahey 💛
i'll talk to you later, ellie
there's something i gotta do

Queen Ellie ✨👑
okay, talk later 😊
Read 16:06

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jonas and isak's contact names im cruing i hate myself sm

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