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MANDAG 15:15

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MANDAG 15:15

ELLIANNA VASQUEZ STROLLED THROUGH the corridors of Hartvig Nissen, her feet carrying her to the library where she was meeting her friends. Ellie texted Eva as soon as she got out of her last class, and the redhead informed her of their whereabouts, which was in the school library.

As soon as she reached the entrance to the library, she pushed the doors open and searched the room for her best friend. She spotted her easily, as her vibrant auburn hair stood out and the brunette smiled once she saw Noora seated right beside Eva.

She walked over to her two friends, smiling as she set her blue backpack down on the table in front of them. "Hey guys!" She grinned as she took a seat across Noora, the blonde and the redhead glancing over at her from the corners of their eyes. "What's up?"

"Um, nothing," Eva just shrugged, before folding her arms across her chest as a smirk came upon her fair features. "But I wanna talk about you, instead. I honestly wonder who the hell you were with yesterday."

The Vasquez girl found herself chuckling, flipping her hair behind her shoulder as she smiled innocently at her two friends. "No one you guys probably know. But it's a boy."

Noora covered her red lips, smiling from behind her hand while Eva just squealed as quietly as she could. "Is he hot?"

Ellianna just bit down on her bottom lip, the smile on her lips growing as she nodded. "Real hot." Her words caused the two other girls to giggle, and Ellianna could feel the heat crawling up her neck as she recalled what happened yesterday.

She did meet Chris at the Starbucks near Nissen, and he was true to his word as he treated her to a coffee. She didn't tell him that she saw him writing down Ellie's name for the cashier to write down on her cup, as he knew that everyone's been spelling her name wrong every time she goes to Starbucks. She thought it was sweet how he did that just so she could get a coffee with the right name on her cup, and the small act made her really happy.

The two of them then spent the entire afternoon together, sharing jokes and talking about whatever come to mind. It was honestly refreshing to spend time with someone you don't see much of, and she somehow felt at ease while she talked to Christoffer. She didn't think she'd have a lot of fun hanging out with him, but she did, and she definitely wanted to do that again soon.

"But will you tell us who he is?" Noora asked, a bright smile on her face as she watched her blushing brunette friend.

Truthfully, she was alright revealing who she spent yesterday afternoon with since she and Chris agreed that it was only coffee between friends, and nothing more. There wasn't anything wrong with what they were doing, was there? She didn't see any harm in telling them that she was with Chris, it wasn't as if they were sneaking around behind everyone's backs, right?

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