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penetratorchris sent you a snap!➤ opened

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Ellie 💋
why must you send a picture

Chris 👅💦
bc i want to
cant i send you pictures of myself now
is that a crime

Ellie 💋
umm no
i just don't like seeing your face
on my phone screen

Chris 👅💦

Ellie 💋
it makes me wanna punch my phone

Chris 👅💦
you know
i've been told i was the face
that launched a hundred ships

Ellie 💋
that's helen dumbass
and it's a ***thousand
and not a hundred

Chris 👅💦
who the fuck is helen
is she hot

Ellie 💋
oh my god

Chris 👅💦
oh yEAH
i forgot to ask
what's the name of your
redhead friend
she's hot 😍

Ellie 💋
what's it to you bitch

Chris 👅💦
can't i ask her name 😩

Ellie 💋
bc i know you
and i know that you'll
just flirt with her until
she's keen on you

Chris 👅💦
why'd you automatically assume
that i'm gonna flirt with her
can't i just befriend her

Ellie 💋
you of all people can't be
"just friends" with a cute girl
bc you'll end up flirting with
her anyway 🙄

Chris 👅💦
are you jealous
i mean you should have just said so from the beginning babe 😏

Ellie 💋
oh my god
you're impossible 😤

Chris 👅💦
im sorry
but cmonnn it's just a name

Ellie 💋
i'll tell you her name as long as
you promise that you're not gonna
try to do anything that could fuck things up with her boyfriend
bc i love her and i love my cousin
and they both deserve happiness after all the shit that's happened

Chris 👅💦
okay i promise

Ellie 💋
im probably gonna regret this
but her name's eva

Chris 👅💦
oh don't worry babe
you'll always be my number one 😘💕

Ellie 💋
will you ever stop flirting with me
bc it's annoying

Chris 👅💦
never babe 😘

Ellie 💋
oh god

Chris 👅💦
you love it

Ellie 💋
keep telling yourself that bitch

Chris 👅💦
i'd love to talk more
but william just texted me saying
i need to come over so
i'll see you tomorrow babe 😘
i can't wait to see you in my dreams tonight

Ellie 💋
hope you never wake up dick 😘

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