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MANDAG 14:15

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MANDAG 14:15

FOUR OF THE SIX FRIENDS SAT ON THE SIDEWALK, listening to how their talkative blonde friend slept with one of the most popular guys in Nissen. Or, at least, Noora and Ellie seemed to be listening but their auburn haired friend looked pretty much far away at the moment.

"I'll soon meet William again," Vilde gushed, her cheeks tinting themselves pink as she seemed to recall what went down between them last Friday. "I think we have something going on, but the age difference is quite sick. There can really be something between us. He said he thinks I'm special, and I'm ready for it. Did I tell you I had an orgasm?"

Ellie grimaced, not wanting to imagine how Willy made her friend orgasm. "Uhh.. I don't think I wanna hear this." She mumbled under her breath, pulling her jacket sleeves over her hands.

Noora shot her an amused smile, before turning her attention back to Vilde. "How was that?"

"It was a bit like a sneeze just down there," Vilde smiled, her eyebrows scrunching as she tried her best to describe her orgasm. Ellie couldn't help but think that was a a bit strange, comparing an orgasm to a sneeze, but who was she to comment on her friend's sex life?

"I think I know why everyone got an orgasm with him." Ellie turned her head to look at the speaking blonde, who still had this adorable smile on her face.

"Oh, really? Do tell."

The Lien girl's gray eyes checked the surroundings before making me voice much smaller as she quietly answered, "Because he was really big."

Ellianna couldn't help but snort upon hearing Vilde's reasoning, since she knew that size didn't exactly matter if someone came or not. It was pretty much all about performance, in her opinion. "You know you can't just go around talking about his dick, it's just weird."

"But why not?"

Noora's eyebrows met as she answered Vilde's question with a question of her own. "You're asking why you can't tell people about his most vulnerable body part?"

"Firstly, that body part wasn't that vulnerable. And secondly, he'll surely talk about my body to his friends," Vilde said with a smile, surely believing that William planned to be more than just a one night stand to Vilde. "Girls should also be able to do that. I support equality and feminism."

In all honesty, Ellie didn't think William would ever be that kind of guy with anyone, but she didn't really wanna crush her friend's heart by telling her that. She doubted she'd listen to her anyway, she was way too caught up in her William daydreams.

"But Vilde, firstly, size doesn't have anything to do with orgasms. And secondly, just because guys are fools doesn't mean we have to be as well. It doesn't have anything to do with equality at all." Noora began to tell Vilde, who didn't seem to be listening to whatever Noora had to say.

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